Instant Pot Chicken and Potatoes is the perfect weeknight meal, made with buttery gold potatoes, chicken breast, spices, broth, and olive oil, ready in...
Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream is creamy and indulgent, made with a few simple ingredients like sweetened condensed milk, heavy whipping cream, cocoa powder, salt,...
Easy Peppermint Chocolate Cookies are perfect for the Christmas holiday, made with cocoa powder, chocolate chips, mint extract, and crushed peppermint candies, ready in...
Classic Chocolate Coffee Cake is the perfect indulgent dessert, made with gluten free flour, brewed coffee, and espresso powder, ready with just one bowl...
Easy Powdered Sugar Donuts are a sweet treat made with gluten free flour and flavored with vanilla extract, baked and coated in confectioner’s sugar,...
Crispy Garlic Parmesan Roasted Potatoes is the perfect side dish, made with buttery gold potatoes, olive oil, parmesan cheese, garlic, and Italian spices, ready...
Creamy Mushroom Chicken Risotto is rich and savory, made with fresh mushrooms, chicken breast, and arborio rice cooked in chicken stock with white wine...
Roasted Garlic Herb Butter is easy to make with minimal prep time, made with simple ingredients like fresh parsley, chives, sweet roasted garlic, onion,...
Chewy Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies are soft and chewy, made with gooey chocolate chips, brown sugar, and cup-for-cup gluten free all purpose flour,...
Cinnamon Baked Apple Slices are the perfect sweet treat, made with apple slices, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter, ready in under 45 minutes!...
Double Chocolate Donuts are an indulgent treat, made with cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and topped with chocolate glaze and chocolate sprinkles, using minimal prep...
Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken is creamy and savory, made with chicken breasts stuffed with fresh broccoli, parmesan cheese, cream cheese, and spices, ready...
Slow Cooker Chicken and Potatoes is made with crispy, juicy chicken thighs and red potatoes, topped with olive oil, garlic, and homemade rotisserie chicken...
Cauliflower Au Gratin made with fresh roasted cauliflower, onion, and bell peppers in a creamy, cheesy sauce topped with breadcrumbs broiled for a crispy...
Avocado Lime Ranch Dressing is quick and easy to make, made with simple ingredients like sour cream, mayo, avocado, and buttermilk blended with spices,...